
    The intention of a business is the services and solutions your business create. It provides a theme which will determine the color and logo of a business. Through the theme a brand motive is provided which inspires the Vision of the business. The future of a business is designed in a motive. The vision translates into a Mission and forms an attitude that your clients buys into. A mission connects with the clients who will buy and share your ideas. Once the motive of a business is establish, the colours of the brand are formed into a logo. A logo describes who you are in a market place and describes all that your mission and vision says. Make The intention of a business is the services and solutions your business create. It provides a theme which will determine the colour and logo of a business. Through the theme a brand motive is provided which inspires the Vision of the business. The future of a business is designed in a motive. The vision translates into a Mission and form

Innovation In Business

Innovation is often the future of every business, in starting something make sure you have a way you do it differently that make people like it. The one unique thing that makes your ideas or business different, is the way you inspire it differently or design it differently. People often look for solutions not problems, so in what ever you look to offer or give as a service... Make sure it brings people happiness, it grants them a privilege or make them feel better. Always find a way to do something differently if you have to sell it. The future of every businesses is tied to the behavior and lifestyle of people, people are always looking to solve a problem or pay to make challenges go away. So behavior is the determinant of how people buy what you give to them. You have to as an entrepreneur, align your business with the behavior and lifestyle of your target market, these will leverage your response and reward you with great outcome in sales. Keep your head on tap with technology and d

Post Covid19 Impact

BusinessOnMyMind: Covid19 Impact The future of every business is currently being affected by the sudden change and influence of the #Covid19 (Coronavirus). The most important thing now, will be understanding how to adjust your business dynamics to survive the pandemic shock within your economy. Learning new skills will be necessary, to enable you adopt an entirely different approach to your business. Most importantly is the intuition to grasp the new norm of behavior and lifestyle in a world of an invisible disruptive virus. #businessonmymind #covid_19 #businessimpact

Business On My Mind (Act Of Seeding)

Life is about what you want. No desire is met without a demand. Your refusal to voice what you want keeps you away from receiving them, But to make a demand you have to first think of what to offer (seed). Seeds are your investment in the market place of life, bound to come back double fold, divinely aligned for you. It's called harvest. That's why God can only answer when we pray, the seed of praying bring answers🙏 Men without a voice die in silent, men without seeds die in poverty (they live in shortage). To be successful you must have a voice and a seed. That which is yours can only be claimed or inherited. What are you sowing for the harvest? It can be a good business idea that will spin the way of life, thereby rewarding you bountifully in coin and regards. It comes from the love you have for mankind; Love is a reflection of your beauty in what you offer as a business, relationship, and life in generally. Wealth then is the evidence of efforts, yielded through gra