Business On My Mind (Act Of Seeding)

Life is about what you want. No desire is met without a demand. Your refusal to voice what you want keeps you away from receiving them, But to make a demand you have to first think of what to offer (seed). Seeds are your investment in the market place of life, bound to come back double fold, divinely aligned for you. It's called harvest. That's why God can only answer when we pray, the seed of praying bring answers🙏 Men without a voice die in silent, men without seeds die in poverty (they live in shortage). To be successful you must have a voice and a seed. That which is yours can only be claimed or inherited. What are you sowing for the harvest? It can be a good business idea that will spin the way of life, thereby rewarding you bountifully in coin and regards. It comes from the love you have for mankind; Love is a reflection of your beauty in what you offer as a business, relationship, and life in generally. Wealth then is the evidence of efforts, yielded through grace and thanksgiving. How well have you been receiving from what you've invested? This is Business on my mind👍🏼👊🏼 #businessonmymind #covid19 #newideas
